The challenge of hyper-connection: how to catch the purchasing behaviors of increasingly connected consumers

The hyper-connection of consumers has made it difficult for companies to intercept purchasing behaviors and has multiplied the influencers that affect consumption choices.

The hybridization of behaviors

Everyone has specific generational characteristics and belongs to certain clusters, however, we must also consider that different people influence our purchasing and consumption behaviors both offline and online.

The main offline influencers are the same people who have always influenced purchasing behavior:

  • Family: peers who directly influence lifestyle and consumption habits;
  • Friends: peers influencing tastes and consumption habits;
  • People we meet at work or school, they too are peers who influence tastes and consumption habits.

For the past few years, we have been increasingly influenced online as well, especially as we follow influencers and belong to groups and communities that reflect our tastes, lifestyle, and values.

These people make up our tribes and are able to influence our purchases even if we do not know them in person.

Multi-channel insights analysis

The proliferation of shopping influencers makes the need for multi-channel analysis of consumer insights necessary to intercept online and offline customers and prospects in order to connect with them and track the insights they spontaneously leave on the web and those that can be tracked in-store.

Constant tracking of online and offline insights enables us to know consumers more and more deeply and align products, services, and communication with their explicit needs.

Learn how to obtain access to hundreds of deep insights about your target audience immediately ready to use

Outlining Deep Insight

Insights are not simple analytics, they are complex, detailed and all-encompassing information about all aspects of people's lives and their consumer journey online and offline. That is why just using social and web listening programs is not sufficient to fully understand the insights of target consumers.

As seen in the previous pages, to get a clear view of the consumer kaleidoscope, it is necessary to cluster and conduct dozens of surveys, which must then be pooled, to derive in-depth information about the target audience.

Deep insights are precisely that: complex qualitative-quantitative insights that are useful in gaining an in-depth understanding of the many facets (and sometimes inconsistencies) in people's consumption behaviors. Like puzzle tiles, deep insights show the complete picture with an information-rich perspective.

Multiple touchpoints and methodologies

As previously noted, thoroughly understanding the consumer requires dozens of surveys, which must be interrelated and also have statistical significance.

Finding all this information requires implementing different analytical methodologies across multiple touchpoints:

  • Outlining consumer clusters (qualitative-quantitative)
  • Social and web listening (quantitative)
  • Analysis of online reviews (qualitative)
  • Open data analysis (qualitative)
  • Tracking of insights at the point of sale (quantitative)
  • Collecting insights from product packaging (quantitative)
  • Specific qualitative and quantitative panel surveys

How much can it cost to commission so many surveys?

Given what we have seen in the previous pages, it is easy to see that tracking and analyzing deep insights is extremely costly and time-consuming.

To obtain a complete and articulate kaleidoscope of the consumer, one must in fact track data and insights from multiple touchpoints and employ different survey methodologies, some simpler and more straightforward such as quantitative panel surveys, others more articulate such as cluster, personas and journey analysis.

Carrying out dozens of surveys and data analyses on multiple touchpoints and with different methodologies has an annual cost that averages between 75,000€ and 250,000€ (but in some cases, with thousands of points of sale it can even exceed 1 million), which is why InTribe has developed technological solutions that enable savings of up to 70 percent of survey costs.

Discover the technology solutions developed by InTribe to save up to 70% in survey costs

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